Cosmetic Dentistry
As you can see the client's heavily worn front teeth made his smile look upside down and very unattractive. Here is how we fixed it...

What problem did the client have?
The client had heavily worn front teeth, which made his smile look upside down and very unattractive.
What actions were taken to solve the problem?
We placed Veneers over his upper six front teeth and filled in the wear and discolouration of the lower six front teeth with white fillings. We had to work within a budget. So the lower front teeth were a compromise, be has been left with a natural smile which the patient was delighted with.
What were the results?
A fantastic smile which has changed the curve of his teeth, making for a very positive and uplifting appearance.
This was a lovely result, one that we were proud of. Our Client had a limited budget so we worked within that and gave him a smile which he is really please with. This happens quite frequently and is very satisfying when we can influence someone's life so positively.