We reopened in June 2020 after the first lockdown. Your support since then has been unwavering and despite the challenges, everyone we have seen has been positive and understanding of the changes we have had to make in our day-to-day routine, to provide you with the best care we can. When we first opened, there was a lack of scientific knowledge about how this virus could be spread in a dental practice. So, we went to extremes to ensure we were as clean as it is possible to be, even removing pictures from walls, to help with cleaning protocols between every patient.

 We continue reading and analysing the data the scientific community have produced and are producing to ascertain the safest way to behave in the practice. We have always been proud of our high standards of cleanliness and, since this pandemic, we now have greater science to support the decisions we are making.

 From Monday 21st June 2021 we eased the restrictions we imposed in June 2020, not dropping our standards, we simply removed the extremes.

  • Covid screening will continue to be completed by you through our online patient portal prior to all appointments.  We thank you for your cooperation with this.  If you are unable to complete our online screening, our admin team will be happy to help, please contact them as soon as possible 01329 230111 info@serenitydental.co.uk thank you.
  • We reopened our waiting room for a maximum of 4 people at a time. Some people will still need to wait in their cars, but some will be able to come inside. You will need to wear a face mask when inside, so please bring one with you if you can, but we do have plenty if you forget.
  • We would also ask you to please use the hand sanitiser we have throughout the building when you enter and as you leave. It is also important for everyone to try and maintain 2m distance please, except when in our treatment rooms, of course.
  • Taking temperatures has been shown to be very inaccurate for testing, so we removed this too.
  • We removed our dedicated chaperone, you will be collected and returned to reception by your treating team.
  • We have got rid of the hypochlorous acid mouth rinse that was disliked by all!  But you still will not be able to use the bowl to rinse though, sorry!
  • We have pictures back on the walls in our offices.
  • You will be able to bring your belongings into our offices, rather than leaving them in boxes at the front door.
  • You will also be able to use the toileting facilities when you are here.

We are planning on keeping some of the new measures we have put in place, such as the use of air-purifiers throughout the building, and we will be repeatedly cleaning the communal areas throughout the day as we have become accustomed to.

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to welcoming you soon.

The Serenity Team