If you suffer from Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, we have treatments which can get rid of any pain you have and correct your jaw.

What is the TMJ?
The Temporo Mandibular Joint acts as the hinge to allow your mouth to open and shut. Many people unknowingly endure problems with this joint, spending their lives wondering why their clicking jaw is disturbing them.
The Symptoms of TMJ
Sufferers of TMJ may have headaches, neck aches and, in some severe circumstances, sensory disturbances – like hearing difficulties or dizziness. Understanding TMJ can be complex, however Serenity Dentist Dr Brett Garner has a particular interest in it. He uses a system learned from world renowned dentist Dr John Kois in Seattle, which de-programmes the muscles involved in moving the jaw, allowing them to relax - often curing symptoms.
Reversing your TMJ Problems
It can require surgery to treat, but often it can be managed by discovering the source of the imbalance between joint, muscles and teeth. Then, with Dr Brett Garner’s knowledge and experience, we can stabilise and possibly reverse your TMJ problems.
We believe that looking after your oral health shouldn’t be expensive, that's why we have created memberships for our patients - so if you're suffering with TMJ, you’ll have one less thing to worry about.